Sunday, January 22, 2012

Types of Systems McDonalds Use

TPS- Transaction Processing System
 On a daily basis, a McDonald’s serves an average of a thousand customers.  So a simple TPS is used to record the transactions made by McDonalds, so that they are able to keep information about their sales among other things to be used in decision-making. TPS in McDonalds is also used to conduct other business activities such payroll, employee record keeping and payment of employee salaries.
DSS- Decision Support System
DSS is a system that supports management in making decisions regarding business activities by analyzing data and producing non-routine scenarios for management to choose from. McDonald’s management mainly uses DSS to analyze the market and come up with a solution(s) to problems. They also use DSS in order to gain competitive advantage over other fast food franchises by analyzing large amount of data and seeing what is the best course of action needed in order to insure they are on top. 
MYS- “Made for You” System
MYS is a backend system, which McDonald’s management has implemented in order to raise productivity and ensure customer satisfaction. Its serves as a communication portal between the counter and kitchen staff. When an order is placed, the cashier inputs it into the system and automatically it goes to the computer screen in kitchen where the elements of the sandwich are displayed for the kitchen staff to start working on.
POS- Points of Sale System
Due to the extreme demand on McDonalds, management decided to implement a POS in order to insure maximum customer satisfaction by allowing customers to order quickly with minimum error. POS is incorporated with MYS to further insure efficiency. With POS each command inputted in the computer is instantaneously conveyed to each workstation. Payment due is displayed immediately and kitchen staff will also be to know what the order is and the duration the customer has been waiting.
HBS- Hyperactive Bob System
This system has giving McDonalds the ability to always be one step ahead. HBS is a breakthrough technology that McDonalds uses to insure that their staff will always be prepared. HBS uses robotic cameras located on the roof the building that monitors incoming traffic and also gathers point of sale information in real time. HBS also uses Artificial Intelligence to study each restaurant individually and then uses touch screen to instruct employees what food to prepare based on past data. 

TIOS-Touch Interface Ordering System
This new system certain to revolutionize the fast food industry. It is a self-service ordering system that allows customers to order what they want without interaction with a cashier. It’s a touch interface computer that uses electronic payment. McDonald’s management decided to apply this TIOS in order to minimize labor costs. 

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